Communicating while wearing a mask is difficult. Osler’s speech-language pathologists share some helpful tips for you to keep in mind when communicating with a mask on.
Be sure to get your communication partner’s attention
Face your communication partner directly and make sure nothing is blocking your view.
Be clear
Talk a little slower and a little louder than usual, paying extra attention to your speech clarity.
Be sure
Ask your communication partner if they understood you; if not, rephrase your message or write it down.
Be resourceful
Use props, your hands and body language to support your message.
Be mindful of background noise
Turn off electronics and close doors to create a quiet setting.
Be patient
Masks muffle sounds and block helpful visual cues. This makes communication difficult for everyone.
Be compassionate
This is new for most of us – check in with your communication partner and ask if you can do anything differently to make communication easier for both of you.