If you’re feeling stressed or anxious about COVID-19, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel uneasy when times are uncertain, but it is also in times like these that we must be even more mindful of taking care of our mental health.
We spoke with Dr. Robert Stevens, a psychologist at Osler, to provide you with some helpful tips and strategies on coping with stress and anxiety during the pandemic.
Have a routine and stick to it
Having a daily routine can provide a great framework for your day-to-day functions, and can help keep you mentally on track and accountable to yourself. Studies have shown that people who have routines often function and cope better than those without ones.
For example, those working or staying at home should create a daily schedule. This should include getting up at a consistent time and changing out of your pajamas!
Connect virtually with friends and family
Remember, social distancing does not mean emotional distancing. It’s important to continue connecting with family and friends. Your loved ones can provide great emotional support even though they are not with you. Connect with them virtually, via phone call, video chat or other digital means to help keep everyone safe.
Limit your news consumption
It can be overwhelming— looking at the plethora of news headlines and stories published daily on COVID-19 and related. Be mindful of your news consumption by setting limits on the amount of news you consume and stick to credible sources only.
Positive thinking can help
In times of uncertainty our minds tend to narrate stories that take us away from the present moment. Try to think positively about various aspects of your life that bring you joy. This activity is grounding and allows you to focus on the moment instead of any doubts you may have about the future.
Look after your health
It can be easy to let your health slip when your regular routine is disrupted but when we continue taking care of our health, we continue to taking care of our mental well-being too. Go for walks, while adhering to social distancing guidelines, exercise, stay hydrated and get a good night’s sleep. These are important ways you can look after your health right now.
Practice self-care
Despite options being limited, it’s important to find ways to practice self-care and have outlets to release stress. There are many ways to practice self-care from the comfort of your own home. Whether it be writing/journaling, arts and crafts, baking, playing music or games; with a dose of creativity, self-care can be attainable even if you can’t partake in your regular activities and hobbies.