Back to school. It can be the most nerve-wracking, exciting and bittersweet time of the year for both parents and children. But when this time of year takes control over your child’s emotions, it can be helpful to know how to best prepare them for the year ahead. We spoke with members of Osler's Children’s Mental Health program (Samantha Lawrence, Manager, and Danuta Southgate, Social Worker) who shared their best tips to help kids of all ages make a successful transition back to the school yard.
Create a stress toolkit with helpful items to help your child manage anxiety
- Journal to write to express yourself without feeling judged
- Listen to music to and from school
- Use a stress ball
- Write down and save mantras/positive quotes
Create healthy lifestyle routines
- Outline a bedtime schedule allowing your child to get 8-10 hours of sleep
- Ensure your child is eating healthy meals and getting proper nutrients
- Use the 24-hour rule: if a challenging issue is bothering your child, step back for 24 hours, then revisit and reevaluate.
Advice you can offer
Focus on the positive
Ask your child what about the new school year they may be looking forward to. Seeing friends? Joining a sports team? Starting fresh in a new grade?
Reframe their worries
Instead of worrying about the things they can’t control, explain to your child that it is helpful to focus on what they do have control over.
- Worried about being late? Plan ahead.
- Worried about making friends? Brainstorm what they can do to build new friendships.
Normalize their feelings
Make sure your child knows it is okay to feel the way they do and that there are many other kids who share their feelings about school.