Last week, Osler reached two milestones. First, performing more than 50,000 COVID-19 tests – the largest number of tests performed by any hospital in the province – and then, opening its newest COVID-19 Assessment Centre at South Fletcher’s Sportsplex in Brampton. This new Assessment Centre is just one of the many actions Osler has undertaken to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community through increased testing.
Building a safe and functional Assessment Centre is no small feat and requires the efforts of staff from virtually every area of our organization, including Capital Development, Information Services, Security and Parking, Infection Prevention and Control, various clinical teams, and many more. In this photo blog, we share a behind-the-scenes look at the development of an Assessment Centre, including some of the people, processes and logistics that bring these vital operations to life.
Location, location, location
Finding an appropriate location is the first step to building an Assessment Centre. Sites must be easy to access and navigate, large enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and be minimally disruptive to the surrounding neighbourhood.
When possible, we’ve leveraged existing Osler facilities – but when that’s no longer the best option, we partner with others. In the case of our new Brampton COVID-19 Drive-Thru Assessment Centre, we partnered with the City of Brampton, which operates the South Fletcher’s Sportsplex facility and grounds. We are thankful they provided us with this space and assisted with setting up the site.
The Assessment Centre also has space for walk-in patients and those arriving by public transit. Signage at each site helps direct visitors appropriately, so everyone knows where to go.
Developing a centre
Osler construction and procurement staff work together to obtain trailers and tents, both of which are in high demand during the pandemic. Once on site, the mobile facilities are made operational with the addition of electricity, high-speed Wi-Fi, and secure internet connectivity.
Each Centre also requires a range of supplies, including personal protective equipment (PPE), testing kits, linens, and the forms needed to register patients and gather information. To keep everyone comfortable regardless of the elements, each Centre requires shaded areas and portable heating/cooling systems.
Staffing and training
Of course, no Assessment Centre could function without the clinical and support staff required to register patients, conduct testing, and ensure a smooth flow of traffic. From physicians and nurses to clerks, runners, IT staff, lab support, housekeepers, security, and so many others, we’re incredibly proud of all the Osler staff who work at our Centres, and are appreciative of the schedulers who make it all happen.
As a Centre nears its physical completion, staff are provided with training on their roles and shown how to properly wear and remove their PPE. An Osler Safety Officer helps ensure everyone remains compliant with safety protocols as they learn.
Ensuring safety and privacy
Patient and staff safety and privacy are essential to ensure that Osler Assessment Centres are truly extensions of our hospitals. All computers are fully encrypted and Centres are designed to protect physical privacy by ensuring patients aren’t visible to others while they are tested. A security assessment of each site determines how traffic will flow to ensure roads are minimally impacted and that everyone maintains a safe distance.
Infection prevention and control
To prevent any further spread of infection, Assessment Centres are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized “down to the pens” at both the beginning and end of each day. While the testing process is as contactless as possible, any surfaces that come into contact with patients are disinfected after each individual throughout the day. Staff carefully don and remove PPE, which is then promptly laundered. Where possible, an onsite lab technician speeds the process of getting samples to the lab for testing and follow-up.
Working together
To date, more than 58,000 assessments have been performed at Osler’s COVID-19 Assessment Centres. To help make the process as seamless as possible, staff huddle socially distanced, at the beginning and end of each shift to share lessons learned and make suggestions to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their Centre. Over the past several months, many of their suggestions have been implemented to make Osler Assessment Centres more responsive for patients, staff and the community.
While demand has far exceeded early predictions, the Osler team is rightly proud of their efforts. As one staff member puts it, “we work together so well because we all know why we need to accomplish this mission. We know what’s at stake, and we are absolutely committed to being successful.”